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NEA advice on 'Talking to Students About Charlottesville Violence and Racism'

Oak Grove Educators Association

CTA-NEA 4810 Harwood Road Suite 101, San Jose, CA 95124-5281 (408) 363-1646 FAX (408) 363-3521


Hello OGEA,

Current events will always make their way into discussions in our classrooms. Th violence and racism in Charlottesville this last weekend urged our National Educators Association President, Lily Eskelsen García, to put out advice to all those who influence students.

Please consider reading the article attached by the NEA Today publication.

Click HERE or on the link below to read the Article.

In Solidarity and on behalf of the OGEA Leadership,

Dominic Rizzi

OGEA President


OEGA Mission Statement:

Through unity of voice and democratic decision making, Oak Grove Educators Association works to unite our professional colleagues and support innovative instruction for the benefit of all students and the community. We advocate for, and are committed to, quality public education. To these ends we promote and defend the well-being and rights of our members and our children.

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