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Oak Grove Educators Association
CTA-NEA 4810 Harwood Road Suite 101, San Jose, CA 95124-5281
O: (408) 363-1646 F: (408) 363-3521 E:
News & Events
CTA Professional Development Conferences
Hello OGEA Membership, A good portion of our dues money goes toward supporting you, our members, attending CTA conferences in the area....
Conferences are coming, know your rights
Know Your Contract The Benefits of OGEA Membership Conferences -- Elementary School Please review the following contract information,...
OGEA New Monies
Hello Members, This November's pay stub should reflect our retroactive raise from the beginning of the school year at an additional 3.5%....
Election Results for OGSD
Election Results are coming in! OGEA Endorsed and supported a handful of issues and candidates on the ballot this November. Prop 55 -...
Lori Jo Shortt, your OGEA Vice President for 2016-2018!
Hello OGEA Members! The results of our OGEA Vice President election are in! Lori Jo Shortt received a majority of the vote and has become...
OGEA: Yes on Measure EE Human Billboard
Hi Members, I have 15 volunteers for Thursday's Measure EE Rally at Branham and Snell from 3:30 - 5:30. Members from OGSD, OGEA, Parents...
Special Education OGEA Forum
Hello All, I have had interest in bringing together our Special Education teams to discuss working conditions as well as your needs and...

We need your help...
Hi All, here is a video-memo from your President, Dominic Rizzi. Click Here to Volunteer for an upcoming event to help with the John...
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